ZS Solutions

US Bank Powered Platform Daily Use Checklist

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Contractor(s) to provide NM management with a work plan before accessing the BMU Roof Car and all employees to sign the NM Roof Log Sheet at the security desk at the beginning of the work day. The contractor is to go to NM Tower loading dock to sign out a contractor badge for elevator access card.
Pick-up the BMU Checklist and the remote for the BMU Roof Car from inside the Penthouse, from the designated window washing storage shelf inside. The contractor is to call the Control Center (414-665-3100) to have Security unlock the door by the Cooling Tower (33rd floor) to gain access to the BMU Roof Car.
Workers are to establish familiarity with the shape of the building façade. The contractors are to barricade all areas directly below the desired working location to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering it.
Ensure that all workers have sufficient light to work safety.
Verify the wind speed with an anemometer and weather conditions. Operation of the suspended platform system is prohibited when the wind speed exceeds 25 MPH at the top of the roof area.
Ensure that the track is clear of all obstructions. (tools, materials, power chords, etc.)
Perform visual inspection on the BMU roof car and platform to make sure structure is sound. No broken mesh or damage handrail. Check for power cord and miscellaneous exposed wires. Plug in the remote power cable under the control box of the BMU. Make sure it’s locked in place. Check wire rope end termination points on platform.
Unplug the battery charger of the Control box on the Platform of the BMU Roof Car before flipping the switch to the “ON position to the control panel on the platform.
Remove rubbish and obsolete materials from inside the platform to avoid overloading the platform. Make sure the fire extinguisher is secured to the platform at all times.
Flip the power switch on to the BMU Roof Car (Upper right corner of the Control Panel). On the control panel make sure the “Power ON” light is green. Make sure all the Emergency Stops have been pulled out for power. Make sure the “Safety OK Ready” light is on. Use the Remote to the BMU Roof Car to Mast Up.
Check hydraulic fluid level (once the BMU is mast up) and check for any leaks.
Platform Operators and the Roof Monitor must wear an approved personal fall arrest harness and Y lanyard. The platform operators are to secure their Y lanyard to safety dogline inside the platform.
Make sure all tools are tied off to some type of lanyard or other means to secure the tools to the platform.
Contractor to perform 2-way radio / communication check before they start operating the BMU.
Check Roof Car Unit: check boom, cross-boom, drive wheels and motor mounts.
Check all of the Emergency Stop buttons and confirm that they operate properly (4 total).
Check the Platform Operating Limits (Check the upper limit with the ISA in the direction the emergency would happen – pull lanyard cable) and confirm obstruction bar is working properly.
Check each ISA lanyard condition (cable and detent pin operation).
WEEKLY - Primary Brake functions properly (Run the platform up and down). Manual decent check once a week. Unwind the rope designated for the manual descent. Blocstop Check – Slack platform cables, engage bock stop, confirm no up/down operation – Reset by pushing the lever down, confirm up/down operation.
The BMU platform operation requires 2 workers in the platform of the BMU Roof Car and 1 roof car monitor on the roof at all times near the BMU when the workers are going over the side of the building. The roof car monitor is to have communication with the platform workers at all times.
The roof monitor should observe the Wire Rope Condition (Kinks, cuts, broken wires, birdcages, heat damage, and corrosion due to acid or caustics).
Continually monitor the wind speed with an anemometer and weather conditions. Operation of the suspended platform system is prohibited when the wind speed exceeds 25 MPH. If weather conditions are considered unsafe by the operators, stop operating the BMU.
Make sure to use the ISA lanyards in the proper locations by the drop locations. Make sure to remove ISA lanyards prior to traveling up beyond ISA’s in use.
Both platform workers should actively monitor platform operations while traveling and be prepared to engage the emergency stop button if operation anomalies occur.
The roof car monitor personnel is to have communication with the platform workers at all times and must stay on the roof near the BMU.
The roof car monitor personnel should make sure the track is clear of all material and debris at all times.
Roof car is parked in the designated parking location (East end of the roof).
Roof car cleaned out of material and debris at the end of the day.
When masting down the BMU platform, roll up the rope for the manual descent and tie it off to designated area marked up.
All the power turned off at the end of day. On the platform, flip the switch to OFF and plug in the power cable to charge the battery for the platform controls.
Unplug the power cable to the remote of the BMU Roof Car Unit and return the remote to the designated window washing storage unit on the 33rd floor.
Make sure to complete the “Daily: Pre/During/Post – Work Checklist – BMU Roof Car” and place the sheet inside the building in the designated BMU usage folder.